Custom designed Mobile Application Technology for any industry or business.

Bars & Clubs
Bars and clubs count on regulars, loyal customers, but also want and need to continue to generate new business. But, how do bars, or any business for that matter, generate new business and then turn those walk-ins into repeat/loyal customers? Great question! The answer - mobile apps! A mobile app gives you a significant advantage over the competition with the ability to contact customers directly. Even better, it allows a business the capability to announce surprise specials, special events or even share the latest drink additions. Mobile apps increase your bottom line, keeping your new and loyal customers coming back. Learn more about our loyalty app feature.
It’s easy to draw the Monday night crowd when you have an app working for you, by notifying them of the sport's ticket, special event or nightly special. Keep your customers coming back with check-in specials, loyalty rewards, or real-time menu updates. Providing on the spot specials to turn inventory around by pushing notifications immediately to mobile users allows you to turn that extra inventory into extra income and keep your customers coming back and happy, all at the same time.

Salons & Spas
Let’s cut right to the chase: mobile technology is a must have for all consumers as it makes their lives easier. So, tapping into that technology with a mobile app for your business can help you get more customers while providing added value and convenience for your customers. For many salons and spas (or any business), a mobile app is a great way to connect with customers, reach new ones and keep the marketing channels open, which enables you to be able to reach them. For that reason, mobile apps allow you to book more appointments, turn cancelled appointments into paying customers thus increase revenue.
Non-Profit Organizations
Non-profit organizations operate on tight budgets that spare no room for "non-essential tools". Sadly, historically, a mobile app had been considered a non-essential tool. However, with the easiest way to reach someone is via a mobile device and that device/technology being at the fingertips of the consumer/volunteer/donor, a mobile app shouldn't any longer be considered non-essential. Mobile apps offer many various features that can improve communication, event coordination and notifications between non-profits and their donors and/or volunteers.

Musicians & Bands
It should go without saying that bands and musicians need followers... those raving fans, just like any other business, but in larger quantities. A mobile app with the right features can help any bank rock their music right into the palm of their followers' hands. With features like live music streaming, event calendars and push notifications, raving fans and loyal followers will always stay connected with the bands and musicians they love, especially when there is the ability to purchase their favorite rockin' hits right from their phone, your mobile app.
Events & Conferences
Whether you are a church, non-profit or a business that hosts various events or conferences, check out the possibilities with a mobile app. Mobile apps can give your attendees added value to the event or conference with great features like interactive event calendars, speaker bios, social media hype and engagement, reservations and shopping for the event, pictures or videos from the event to even the ability to park and find their car with the drop of a pin. Utilize unlimited push notifications to notify users with alerts about your event, where to go, who's speaking next and more. You can even keep attendees engaged even after the event is over.

Don't see your industry? Let's talk. We work with various businesses and non-profits crafting the right mobile app to fit their needs and that of their customer, it's a win-win!