Business App Education & Growth | Unleashed App Academy

UMA Academy

Status Check

Do these apply to you?

If you checked off fewer than three,
UMA Academy is here to help.
I have...
1,000 or more downloads
Updated my app in the last 2 weeks
Substantial revenue growth due to clients using my app
20,000+ followers on a major social media platform
Full understanding how to use my app and am maximizing my investment

Developing an app is only half the battle.

UMA Academy App-Solutely System offers everything you need to learn and manage your app successfully. You will learn how it works, how to get people to download it, how to generate cash flow, and much more!

3 Tips for Monetizing Your Apps

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5 Steps before you hire a developer.

Most people think the first thing they need to do when they have an idea for their app, is hire a developer. Did you know there are 5 things to do before that? Many fail because they skip these simple steps. Be different so you will App-Solutely succeed.

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