Speaking Engagements
Get Inspired by the App Mama
What I do aside from the technical side of small business mobile applications is unleashing that spark in other people. In a day and age where people are hidden behind tiny mobile touch screens or desktops, my favorite way to motivate people is by speaking directly to them – face to face and sometimes podcasts or similar where you can see and hear conversations versus words on a screen.
I’ve been a guest speaker for marketing classes around Wisconsin including stints at Waukesha County Technical College and the University of Wisconsin. I’ve been invited to various Chambers of Commerce to talk about how the world of marketing has changed as far as the mobile and app technology side of things as well as growth and small business. I love making appearances and speaking directly to groups big or small, millennial or baby boomers, sharing what I know.
Change is inevitable so we have to learn to roll with the times and adapt. If you don’t jump on the change train, you may miss out. Mobile applications is one of these many technology changes/advantages.
I’ve watched as the world changed from the corporate ladder, from the small business’ perspective and everything in between. With my background in business I’ve worked with a wide array of people in an even wider array of circumstances. When it comes to business of any size I APP-reciate every opportunity to speak to the community because I come away with a deeper understanding of what my own clients, target market, needs and wants from the world of technology.
Have an App-Solutely fabulous day,
~Nancy, The App Mama